Manage Software Product & System Developer Risks

Consider the following:


  • Your directors agree to acquire a smaller competitor, but could that put your directors at risk of a lawsuit? Your company offers software as a service (SaaS); any failure of your systems could have a significant ripple effect for your customers.
  • If your data centers are down following a natural disaster, does your disaster recovery plan help you minimize this disruption?
  • Your company operates in a highly competitive environment. You expect strong performance from all your employees and underperforming employees may be terminated. Could you be at higher risk for employee claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, or retaliation?
  • You have invested significantly in systems security, but is your company vulnerable if hackers steal personally identifiable information or confidential customer data?
  • Do you have a process to ensure that source code from third party providers isn't used without proper licensing?

Chubb has deep expertise with software and system developers and their risks. Our global, integrated insurance products can help you safeguard your business today and tomorrow.

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