A CNC turret lathe suffers a malfunction to its cutting head, causing the head to crash and shutting down production. A hotel chiller unit seizes up before a large national convention, which leads to cancelled catering events and other reservations. A robotically controlled welding line comes to a halt because of an electrical arcing event, which shuts down the line. Numerical controls on a 400 ton stamping press fail, leading to an overload situation and failure of the press.


These are all examples of seemingly small problems that can lead to huge losses. An insurance carrier that understands equipment breakdowns can help keep your business operating. Chubb offers comprehensive equipment breakdown coverage on both a monoline and package basis.

Coverage Highlights

  • Significant capacity available; policy coverage can be crafted for a broad spectrum of market segments
  • Insurance dollars available where you need them most
  • Separate, higher limits of insurance available for selected coverages if needed, or a higher blanket limit may be purchased
  • Flexible terms and conditions, giving you the ability to customize the policy to best fit your needs
  • Additional insurance, such as ammonia contamination and food spoilage, can be purchased separately if you require higher limit
  • Easy-to-read form takes the guesswork out of the policy, and also dovetails well with property policies for a better overall insurance solution
  • Green Standards feature included for existing “green” buildings and equipment, so you can rebuild to LEED standards or replace energy-efficient equipment in the event of an insured loss; Enhanced Safety feature provides up to 25% in additional limits if you rebuild or replace existing equipment with safer features


  • Off-the-shelf equipment breakdown insurance for a variety of industries
  • Doesn't require endorsements to round it out
  • Wide choice of options allows you to customize the policy to your specific needs


Expert Claims Handling & Loss Control

We understand the hazards that could cripple your business. Our dedicated, board-certified Equipment Breakdown engineers have industry-specific knowledge to help reduce or minimize loss. Chubb’s engineers perform required jurisdictional inspections and conduct surveys and accident investigations as needed. Loss prevention services include thermography imaging, oil and vibration analysis, and other predictive tests.


Our reputation for claims handling excellence stems from a focus on getting you back to business as soon as possible after a loss. A dedicated equipment breakdown claim unit provides superior service through our consistent, team-oriented approach. What’s more, if you have a loss, chances are the same risk engineer who conducted the original inspection will also conduct your initial loss investigation, providing continuity of service.


Target Client
  • Municipalities
  • Water and Sewer Processing Utilities
  • Wholesale and Retail
  • Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Commercial and Residential Real Estate
  • Hospitals and Nursing Homes
  • Manufacturing
  • Food Processing and Cold Storage
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Publishing and Printing
  • Communications and Broadcasting
  • Life Sciences and Biotech Companies
  • Museums and Cultural Institutions
  • Electronics
  • Chemical Manufacturers

Chubb’s Equipment Breakdown Solutions

Electricity is the fundamental requirement for just about any business to function. From activating a simple benchtop autoclave to firing up a colossal 4000-ton stamping press, everything relies on working power. The heartbeat of many businesses is powered by their electrical and mechanical systems. At Chubb, we provide an array of industry-leading insurance products and services to safeguard businesses in the most critical moments.


Learn more about Equipment Breakdown