Cargo - Online Tools & Solutions

With knowledge and experience gained over the past two centuries, Chubb has moved our rich marine heritage forward to the modern day. These resources are designed to help you better understand your cargo exposures, as well as the products and services available to help you manage your risk.
cargo tools


Ocean Cargo Terms of Sale (Summary)

A summary of point of attachment and termination of insurance under Open Policies based on terms of sale.

Ocean Cargo Methods of Payment

Definitions of payment methods that indicate the extent of a seller’s financial risk and illustrate the need to protect this risk by purchasing insurance.

Ocean Cargo Links of Interest

Additional websites that may provide useful information if you’re involved in importing to or exporting from the United States.

Cargo Tips

Transporting, storing and handling cargo can be risky and costly. Chubb’s Marine Risk Management team releases timely tip sheets throughout the year on how to prevent specific exposures from affecting your cargo.

Take Our Cargo Storage Questionnaire

Chubb’s Cargo Storage Questionnaire poses a wide range of questions on your property’s storage, construction, premises, and security details. Submit this questionnaire to for a response on how Chubb can help.