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Chubb Life is the international life insurance division of Chubb. In Asia, Chubb Life operates in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, and participates in a joint-venture in China. Chubb Life has been in Thailand since 2001. To meet the financial protection and security needs of its broad range of customers, Chubb Life in Thailand (Chubb Life Assurance Public Company Limited) offers a range of life protection, savings, accidents & health, credit protection insurance for auto, motorcycle and home loans, and Group Employee benefits insurance solutions through agents, brokers, banks, and partners.

Chubb Life, creating the superior craft of insurance for you

Chubb Life is the international life insurance division of Chubb. We’re full of enthusiasm, optimism, energy and originality. Meeting the diverse needs of customers inspire us to build the perfect, superior craft of insurance.